Tuesday, September 29, 2009


To help in planning/decision making about this weekend, I thought I'd share that The Courts are on the far eastern edge of Springfield (we played there last year). You get there by getting off  I-44 before you reach Springfield, at Exit 84, I-744 (old route 66).

I did some checking on hotels/motels, and the best deal I found was the Eagles' Lodge, which is on Glenstone Blvd in Springfield, just south of I-744 (route 66). Their internet rate for 2 Q beds is $47. They do have a continental breakfast as well, and Andy's baseball team stayed there 2 weekends ago and he said it was fine. I just called to check on a group rate, and it is higher than the internet ($55), so it would be better to book individually through the internet if you are thinking motel overnight. I did not look farther east, like in Marshfield, which might be a possibility.

I am not sure of our plans, but look forward to talking to some of you tonight about how we might help each other out with arrangements for travel and/or housing. I am seriously considering driving home Friday night and leaving at 6 am Sat morning to return, but that only makes sense if some girls want to/can ride with me and share the gas cost - cheaper than motel, but more traveling...


On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Sarah Covey <sarah.covey@hotmail.com> wrote:

Attached is a tournament schedule revision.


The tournament is at The Courts 4136E. Kearney St, Springfield, MO 65803
It is east of HWY 65 on Kearney.
Please plan on being at the Courts - dressed and ready to go one hour prior to our first game.  Coach Chris - aka, my husband - will be helping me coach this weekend as our JV and Varsity have a few games scheduled at the same time.
Can't wait to see you all there!

Sarah Covey
Birthing Doula CD(DONA)

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Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

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