Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jan/Feb calendar and January 3rd

Many details still need to be finalized. For example, we are not certain that we will be participating in both the Varsity and Junior High Lebanon tournaments in January. It seems that we have a pretty full schedule already. Also, we need to hear definitively from the coaches on some of the dates, since we know at least Coach Camie's availability will be changing due to a new school schedule. We've put ?? 's on dates that are uncertain, and will let you know for sure as soon as we are able. *Update: The January 31st game in St. Louis is a YES.*
Also, we have added a practice on this Saturday, January 3rd. It will be from 1-3 pm, at Redeemer Lutheran gym.
Ladies -- Coach Camie asked that I let you know about several MS&T Women's Basketball games that are coming up in town. The first is December 30th, at 7pm. The next is January 4th, at 2pm. Both are going to be played at the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building (in Rolla). I believe admission is $4 or $5 dollars. Watching games at this level can give you a better understanding of how the game is played - take along a parent or friend who knows basketball and ask lots of questions!
Thanks so much for your flexibilty with all this! Please remember to let the coaches know about conflicts that will arise throughout the next few months. Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Becky Hall

Friday, December 12, 2008

Marshfield Christian games tonight

Congratulations to all three teams on wins tonight!

Varsity teams: I know it isn't easy to play teams that are far below your ability level, but I want you to know that your attitude and play was very much appreciated by the other team. As we all know, it isn't easy to get a team started, and if no one wants to play you because you aren't good enough, that isn't much fun. So consider tonight an exercise in your character development, even if it didn't work out your basketball skills as much as all would have preferred.

I thought all the way home about how we can find some better match-ups for the Varsity Boys. I plan to get on the phone again this week to try to drum up some more competitive games--any suggestions you may have are welcome.

One thing we already decided is that the JH boys will play against Marshfield next Thursday, and we will put together an alumni/adult team to play the Varsity team after that so they can have some competition.

More details to come as we work them out. The junior high boys play at 9:30 am tomorrow, then at noon if they win, 1:15 pm if they lose. They will have one least more game after that if they win at least once. So it will be a long day :)

Thank you for being such good representatives of our organization to those we play!


Thursday, December 11, 2008


We are meeting at 3:35 pm, in the Rolla Kroger parking lot. (corner of King's Hwy and Hwy 63)
Directions are posted on the website. www.rollaroyals.org 
The drivers I have recorded are:
Bruno Family
Maxwell Family
Riggins Family
Applegate Family
Remember, for those not driving, please bring a little $$ to contribute for gas money.

Friday Night Basketball Games

Everyone is scheduled to play games tomorrow night, Friday, Dec. 12th. Hopefully the weather will not cause any last-minute cancellations this time!

Junior High Boys play Norwood in the Lebanon Tournament at Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon at 7:15 pm.
Girls and Varsity Boys play at Marshfield Christian School in Marshfield, with the girls starting at 6 pm and the boys following.

Directions to games can be found on our new website, www.rollaroyals.com
Go to the basketball page, and under Games, you will find a link to Opponent Locations.

The girls are meeting as we speak and coordinating their ride arrangements.

JH boys, I know Coach Hall will be leaving for Lebanon at 5:30 pm and can take anyone who needs a ride. Let us/him know right away if you need a ride. If you plan to drive yourselves, he would like you to arrive by 6:30 pm.

Varsity boys, I've heard that the Hickle ladies are hoping go to Springfield during the day, so they'd like to get rides for the men in their family. Anyone planning to drive that would have room to take them as well?

Please let us know if we have help coordinate rides in any way!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lebanon Cancels

The Lebanon boys coach called about 5:15 pm to say some of their families had run into ice on the interstate and were headed back home, so they were going to cancel. One carload of girls was already in Rolla, so we played an informal girls' game...
What a wonderful crowd and a great evening, despite the last minute cancellation... Thanks for your understanding.
We hope to get all the games rescheduled.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Game

The Lebanon Rockets are scheduled to come to town tomorrow night for our first games at the Junior High School.
I know there is a lot of sickness going around, so be sure to let your coaches know if you (or your child) is sick and cannot play tomorrow night. The schedule is as follows:
  • Junior High boys at 6 pm
  • Girls at 7 pm
  • Varsity Boys at 8 pm
Arrive well before the scheduled game time (coaches probably told you a time, if not, 1/2 hour is usually the norm) to warm up in the practice gym. Girls and Varsity Boys will also be getting uniforms, so allow time to change clothes as well. We encourage players to watch the other games and cheer the teams on whenever possible, so you may want to arrive even earlier that you "have" to, and/or plan to stay later. We cannot officially charge admission when we use public school facilities, but we will be putting out a box for donations to help defray to cost of referees, especially. So please come prepared to give a little something, if you are able. Of course, you have all paid registration fees, so this is more for others who don't have kids playing and for the visiting team's fans, but every little bit helps. (To give you some perspective, it will cost us over $100 to pay our refs tomorrow night, and that is actually pretty cheap -- we've been told that licensed refs often get paid $45 PER GAME--at that rate, tomorrow night would cost $270).

On the subject of referees, please treat our referees with respect and insist that your children do as well. Refereeing is a very difficult job, and there is not a perfect referee. So please take the time to thank them for their service and let them know if you think they did a good job. If you think they do a poor job, please talk to Dan or me about it and we will take that into consideration when scheduling referees.

Finally, we need people to keep the scorebook for each game and to run the scoreboard. Neither is a difficult job, but it does require a little bit of training to know what to do. Ideally, we would have a scorekeeper for each team (jr high boys, girls, and varsity boys) that would keep the book at every game(home and away), with substitutes to fill in if they can't go to a game, and 3-4 people who could run the scoreboard when we have home games. Dan, Becky and I can all do the scorebook, but it is hard for any of us to do it regularly with our other responsibilities (coaching, administrating, keeping track of Elizabeth). So, we really need people to come forward to take on this responsibility. It's much easier to learn with someone who knows what to do sitting next to you, so that's what we'd like to do tomorrow night -- train people. Let us know if you are willing, and we'll teach you what to do. Thanks in advance!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saturday Games Cancelled

All games scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 6th in St. Louis have been cancelled. We hope to reschedule in January, possibly on Jan 31st, but are waiting for confirmation of that.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Basketball

Basketball teams are practicing in preparation for their first games in the next week. Uniforms order are in and should be ready for our first game.

Monday, December 1, 2008

New RHAA website

Announcing a new RHAA website!!

Scott Hamilton, a new RHAA dad, has done the work to set it up, and Doyle Edwards (Camie's dad) has provided an easy to remember name. Thanks to both of them!

Check out the site at www.rollaroyals.org You will find google calendars for each team, as well as the pictures we (the Halls) had from past year, and a news site. There is a lot more that we can and will add, but we thought it was functional enough to send it out for you to enjoy!

Feel free to give us your feedback -- let us know if things don't work, or what features we can add. We'd really love to have pictures from you as well, and we'll figure out how to do that in coming weeks. Let us know if you have digital pictures to share.

That's it for now. ENJOY!

P.S. Sorry if you got duplicates of this message, Some of you are in more than one group, and I didn't take the time to sort that all out!