Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Game

The Lebanon Rockets are scheduled to come to town tomorrow night for our first games at the Junior High School.
I know there is a lot of sickness going around, so be sure to let your coaches know if you (or your child) is sick and cannot play tomorrow night. The schedule is as follows:
  • Junior High boys at 6 pm
  • Girls at 7 pm
  • Varsity Boys at 8 pm
Arrive well before the scheduled game time (coaches probably told you a time, if not, 1/2 hour is usually the norm) to warm up in the practice gym. Girls and Varsity Boys will also be getting uniforms, so allow time to change clothes as well. We encourage players to watch the other games and cheer the teams on whenever possible, so you may want to arrive even earlier that you "have" to, and/or plan to stay later. We cannot officially charge admission when we use public school facilities, but we will be putting out a box for donations to help defray to cost of referees, especially. So please come prepared to give a little something, if you are able. Of course, you have all paid registration fees, so this is more for others who don't have kids playing and for the visiting team's fans, but every little bit helps. (To give you some perspective, it will cost us over $100 to pay our refs tomorrow night, and that is actually pretty cheap -- we've been told that licensed refs often get paid $45 PER GAME--at that rate, tomorrow night would cost $270).

On the subject of referees, please treat our referees with respect and insist that your children do as well. Refereeing is a very difficult job, and there is not a perfect referee. So please take the time to thank them for their service and let them know if you think they did a good job. If you think they do a poor job, please talk to Dan or me about it and we will take that into consideration when scheduling referees.

Finally, we need people to keep the scorebook for each game and to run the scoreboard. Neither is a difficult job, but it does require a little bit of training to know what to do. Ideally, we would have a scorekeeper for each team (jr high boys, girls, and varsity boys) that would keep the book at every game(home and away), with substitutes to fill in if they can't go to a game, and 3-4 people who could run the scoreboard when we have home games. Dan, Becky and I can all do the scorebook, but it is hard for any of us to do it regularly with our other responsibilities (coaching, administrating, keeping track of Elizabeth). So, we really need people to come forward to take on this responsibility. It's much easier to learn with someone who knows what to do sitting next to you, so that's what we'd like to do tomorrow night -- train people. Let us know if you are willing, and we'll teach you what to do. Thanks in advance!

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